Jennifer Mistry Bansiwal, who portrayed Gurucharan Singh’s on-screen wife in Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah, has spoken out about the actor’s current health crisis and financial difficulties. Gurucharan, known for playing Sodhi on the show, has been hospitalized for several days, with reports indicating that his condition is critical.
Jennifer Mistry extends financial support to Gurucharan Singh
In a recent interview with Zoom, Jennifer Mistry discussed her past attempts to assist Gurucharan Singh financially. She criticized other cast members of Taarak Mehta for not stepping up to help during his time of need. Jennifer disclosed that Gurucharan initially approached her for Rs 1 lakh to settle credit card debts, which she agreed to provide. However, he later declined the offer, stating he would reach out when he needed help. Eventually, he requested Rs 17 lakh, a sum she was unable to provide due to her financial commitments.
Jennifer expressed her frustration towards her co-actors, stating, “Woh log kisike nahi hai (They are not there for anyone). When my sister passed away last year, no one even called me. They will never help him.”
Bhakti Soni in Gurucharan’s financial obligations
Bhakti Soni had earlier spoken to ETimes about Gurucharan’s financial obligations and the impact of his health on his personal life. She revealed that Gurucharan’s father owns a property valued at Rs 55 crores, which is currently embroiled in a dispute. Bhakti also mentioned that she had lent Gurucharan Rs 30 lakhs to help him with his financial troubles. His friend Bhakti Soni previously revealed that Gurucharan had stopped eating, which severely impacted his health.
She added, “His family doesn’t value him now that he is not earning. When he used to earn, they respected him. After his situation worsened, they stopped contacting him. He is deeply upset about the lack of support from his family, which contributed to his decision to leave home without informing anyone.”